Saturday, December 31, 2011

Weekend Ramblings: Must see 2011 science videos

"Looking for viral videos with some scientific substance to them? Check out 11 must-see clips from the past year."  Which science video(s) of 2011 is/are your favorites?  While watching the videos, read the text below the video screen.  The information about AI (artificial intelligence) vs AI is fascinating.  The videos can be viewed at:

  1. AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other (my second favorite).
  2. What does it feel like to fly over the planet earth?
  3. Dance your PHD
  4. A day made of glass
  5. Octopus walks on land (my favorite)
  6. Soft robot takes a walk
  7. Alpha dog proto
  8. Faster than light neutrinos
  9. Quantum levitation
  10. Pi is (still) wrong
  11. Weaver ants (my 3rd favorite)
Have you seen an interesting video(s) on the web?  Please send me a link to it either through blog comments or email.  Tell me something about the video.   I will compile them, then post them in an upcoming "Rambling" post.  

Now, what does 2012 have in store (Mayan calendar aside)?  Click on 12 must-see skywatching events in 2012 to see these events from MSNBC.  The first event is just days away.  On Jan. 4, the Quadrantid meteor shower peaks the predawn hours of Jan. 4 for eastern North America.  Best viewing time is after the moon sets at 3 AM.

    1 comment:

    1. The AI vs AI video is really funny! I like when one tells the other it's not a robot, it's a unicorn. It reminds me of the story mom told me about Suz saying she wasn't a girl she was a skunk.
