Saturday, December 24, 2011

I've Gone to Pot

Neti pot that is.  Okay, I'm behind the curve on this one (fad?).  In the last 3 months, I have heard about "neti pot" sinus cleansing from a neighbor, from Dr. Oz, and from my kids.  Everyone it seems is raving about it.  I also heard recently of dangers associated with using a neti pot.  Web research indicates that reasonable precautions should be able to prevent problems.  So, here it is winter with me sitting indoors.  The home heating system is drying out my nasal passages leaving them crusty and I have a drippy nose, remnant of a cold.  I can't stop thinking that I should give this a try.  I guess it is time for me to consider it.

First, I have to dispel memories of inappropriate times that liquids have come gushing out of my nose.  I assume this has happened to everyone at one time or another.  Thankfully, this hasn't happened often, but I recall it was embarrassing and it did not feel very pleasant.  Wouldn't purposely forcing liquid into my sinuses and out through my nose also feel unpleasant?   Web research seems to indicate that it won't feel unpleasant.  It was more likely the type of liquid that came through my nose (I think it was Coca Cola and sometimes milk) than the experience that made it uncomfortable.  The neti pot uses a saline solution of boiled or distilled warm water, so it might not produce the same uncomfortable feeling.

So, what about the benefits?  There are many stories on the web covering the topic, so I will provide a link to one from the CNN Health website "Why people swear by the neti pot".  This story does not go into the details of many others, but provides a good background from the user's perspective.

Now as I post, I can say I have used the neti pot 3 times.  Although it seems weird, it is not to difficult to flush my sinuses.  The flushing with the saline solution is not uncomfortable.  Have I experienced any benefit?  Nothing that I can claim at this time.  I will continue using the neti pot for a while and give it a chance.  Maybe there will be a long term benefit.


  1. The neti pot is great for me! I find it especially great at night because I get such a deeper night's sleep when my nasal passages are clear,

  2. I love the Neti pot but it only really worked for me when I have a severe cold.
