Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Difference is Night and Day (Part 1 of 2)

This is my first “Friday Fotos” posting to my blog.   Since it introduces this recurring topic, it will be longer than future posts and it is in two parts.  Part 1 is about my introduction to digital photography as a hobby and Part 2 (separate post) has some of my nighttime photos. 
In April 2011, I saw an article on the web about a “Meetup” group of digital photographers located in Plymouth, MA.  I had a digital camera that I knew little about, I had lots of time (recently retired), and I was not very familiar with Plymouth, MA.  The article assured me that beginner photographers were welcome to join, so I signed up for the PlymouthDigital Photographers (PDP) Group.  Let me tell you what I have done as a member of this group.  I have:

·        Visited local places I never knew existed
·        Taken courses in the use of software that improves my images and allows me to creatively alter my images
·        Learned how to create this blog
·        Received classroom and personal instruction in taking photos
·        Attended “Artist Spotlight” lectures where noted photographers present some of their photos and provide details on the techniques that help make their photos special.

Also, I have met a lot of really local people who donate so much of their time to make these events happen.  Now it is 8 months later and though I am still a beginner when it comes to photography, the difference is night and day in my photography skills.

Speaking of night and day, one of the events I attended was “Night Photography: A Presentation and Workshops with Lance Keimig.”  Unlike most PDP events, workshops cost more to attend, the one I attended cost $40.  Here is a little about Lance Keimig from one of his web pages:

Lance co-founded The Nocturnes Night Photography Workshops with Tim Baskerville in San Francisco, and has been teaching workshops and classes on Night Photography and Light painting ever since. In 2000, he developed a college level semester course for the New England School of Photography in Boston, which he continues to teach year round… Since 2005, he has been the curator at Harvard University’s Three Columns Gallery., which premiered the night photography exhibit Darkness Darkness in 2008.”

Continued ...
[see: The Difference Between Night and Day (Part 2)]

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos! I love the bridge at night... The colors are really deep and it looks totally different from day.
