Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog! 

Let me start by introducing you to my blog.  There will be several recurring themes within my posts including: genealogy, photography, and local (Plymouth, MA) history.
Why did I named my blog “Morning Dew”

Many years ago, early in my genealogy research, I came across a poem about Admiral Dewey (a distant relative) written by Eugene Ware in 1899.  I am a morning person and the title of my blog reminds me of the first line of Ware’s poem:

O Dewey was the morning
Upon the first of May;
And Dewey was the Admiral
Down in Manila Bay;
And Dewey were the Regent's eyes,
"Them orbs" of Royal Blue;
And Dewey we feel discouraged?
I Dew not think we Dew!

Admiral George Dewey (1837-1917)
1st cousin 4 times removed
Blog topics

Monday “Mumblings”

When I post genealogy information, it will be on Mondays.  The posts will contain stories and pictures, if available, related to my ancestry.   The name “Mumblings” is appropriate for these Monday posts because my great grandfather Rev. Herbert F. Milligan published a history of his family titled “A Few Mumblings” in 1960.  I will post mumblings on many of my ancestral families.

Reverend Herbert F. Milligan (1878-1970)
Great Grandfather

Friday’s Fotos

On Fridays, I will share some of my pictures or write on topics related to photography that I come across and want to share.  Dedicating a weekday post to photography will hopefully get me out more often to take pictures.

Weekend Ramblings

The ramblings posts will be on topics other than genealogy or photography.  Subjects will vary.  They may stem from:

·         Stories found during my volunteer work at the Plymouth Library
·         Web sites that I think others would enjoy
·         Places of interest that I have recently visited
·         Or general posts that don’t fall into any of the other categories.

I hope you enjoy my blog and if you read something of interest, be sure to leave a comment.


  1. Nice! I'm looking forward to your posts!

  2. I remember some woman singing that poem to me @ Girl Scout camp way back when & completely forgot about it until now!

    Looking forward to your blog. Dew it up!

  3. I am interested to learn about my own genealogy! I can't believe how strong Herbert Milligan's genes must have been -- a lot of our relatives look just like him! Do you remember him? Looking forward to hearing more stories of our ancestry.
