Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Fotos - Today's Photos, Tomorrow's Memories

I didn't get out to take any photos this week for my blog, so I thought I would use today's Friday Fotos to post some old pictures that did not make it into my Monday Mumblings. I've titled this post "Today's Photos, Tomorrow's Memories" to share these old photos and try to encourage you to photographically capture people, places, and events of your life.

As I continue my hobby of collecting ancestral information, I am at times saddened that I find little or no photographic evidence of a person's life.  No pictures of the people, the places they lived, nor the events surrounding their lives.  However, when I do find old pictures, I arrange to scan the photos so that they may be shared with others.  I do not possess many of the photos that I post in Monday Mumblings.  Relatives have generously allowed me to scan their sole copy of the photos so that now, I may share them with you.  If you possess old family photos, please capture them digitally before they deteriorate and share them with others.  Do your best to identify the people, place, date, and event of the photo.  If you hear of old photos being thrown away, obtain them and find someone to donate them to.  There are many ways of locating families doing genealogical research who will be grateful if you find and give them these treasures.  If they relate to my family, please send me a copy.

On December 5, 2012 I posted Monday Mumblings - Thomas Milligan (1832 - 1901).  The post had a picture of Thomas' family with his first wife, Margaret Isabella Morrow who died September 23, 1863. Here is an additional picture of Thomas Milligan's second wife Elizabeth Thompson who he married on April 13, 1864.  Elizabeth died September 21, 1891. 

Elizabeth Thompson Milligan
On December 12, 2011 I posted Monday Mumblings - Thomas Milligan (1856 – 1937).  Here is another picture of Christina (McDonald) Milligan.
Christina McDonald Milligan
On December 19, 2011 I posted Rev. Herbert F. Milligan.  Here is a picture of Herbert and Effie with their singing daughters.
Effie, Emma, Lila (contralto), Bertha (mezzo-soprano), Alice (high soprano), and Herbert Milligan; Chris (low alto) missing from picture

On December 26, 2011 I posted Alice Bernice (Milligan) Tompkins.  Here are two school pictures of Alice.

Finally, on January 23, 2012, I posted on Harold Frederick Tompkins.  Here are two more pictures of Harold.  The second picture has Harold, his brother Sam, and Sam's son Preston.

Preston, Sam, and Harold

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