Thursday, January 5, 2012

Friday Fotos - New Years Day Harbor Walk

I started the new year off by participating in a Meetup with the Plymouth Digital Photographers club.  We met at the north end of downtown Plymouth Harbor at the Nelson Recreation Area. At this nearby location, I can take pictures of the harbor, sea birds, and all other activity taking place by the shore (fishing boats, gulls, cormorants, fishermen and Harbor Life in general).  

The weather was perfect for a January 1st morning, warm and sunny.  Also, the tide was out making for interesting photo opportunities and making it easier to walk along the beach (mostly covered by water at high tide in some locations).  I could only join the group for an hour as I had other obligations at noon.  Some of the people on this walk got some good pictures of a seal swimming in the harbor.  Wish I had seen and photographed it.

Here are some of the photos that I took:

Beach Grass with Osprey Nest in Background

Stream Outlet Flowing to Harbor

Shells and Stones

Pool Shot

Walker on Bridge to Jetty

I liked the color and texture of this rock, but I wish I had paid more attention to depth of field

I took a lot of flying gull pictures and liked this the best

I liked the browns and grays in this pond


  1. You took some great photos! It's amazing to see how they've developed since you began your photography class, and it makes me want to take a class to improve the way I take photos.

  2. I am getting a little better. I really need to be more patient and think about what I am seeing and what I want to display. I was trying to do these things on the harbor walk but still have a long way to go.
