Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Fotos - Plymouth Center, Scusset Beach, and Cape Cod Canal

I had an appointment in downtown Plymouth on Tuesday morning.  The weather was sunny and warm for a day in January, so I brought my camera along.  I thought I wouldn't be out for long, but I was enjoying myself so much that I kept extending day.  I started shooting some pictures down by the fishing pier, moved on to the Jenney Grist Mill, wound my way down the shore road to Scusset Beach, and ended my 3 hour photo journey at the northern end of the Cape Cod Canal.  Here are some of the pictures that I took.

Foul weather must have driven this boat to the roof of a building on the fishing pier

Plymouth received a dusting of snow overnight

Capt. John's fleet settled in for the winter

There were two swans sleeping in this morning on the pond at Jenney Grist Mill

Comfy or cold?  I like the reflections of the swans and trees in the water

Bridge over the pond

Cape Cod Canal Harbor Patrol

Objects on the beach

Nobody swimming today

A Coast Guard helicopter was practicing maneuvers over the canal, you can barely see it in the picture, but the water below is reeling from the down draft of the rotors

Warning horn, you don't want to be near it when it blasts

Coast Guard saw me taking pictures and decided to fly right overhead to give me a nice photo op, thanks you to the unknown pilot

Support beams for the Sagamore Bridge, reminds me a bit of the Statue of Liberty's crown

Sagamore Bridge from an unusual angle
Sitting in the parking lot next to the canal, I couldn't help but notice all the windmills that have gone up in recent years.  There are two new windmills visible right across the Sagamore Bridge and then two more down by the Bourne Bridge.  (Four more have gone up in Kingston next to Route 3 seemingly overnight.)  Looking east across the canal, it was interesting to notice the old-style wooden windmill of the Christmas Tree Shop with two new modern windmills about 1 mile away.  The sun was right over the windmills, so I could not get a good picture of the old and new.  Guess I will have to return another day.


  1. With regard to "Coast Guard saw me taking pictures and decided to fly right overhead to give me a nice photo op," -either that or they thought you were a spy taking photos of their fleet

  2. The thought that the Coast Guard wanted to check me out went through my head.
