Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Anniversaries - May 20 - May 26

*Updated July 29, 2012 to add women's married name (maiden name in parenthesis)
Hannah (Dennison) Saxton, 8th great grandmother, was born May 20, 1643 in Roxbury, MA
Joseph Alden, 8th great grandfather, was born May 22, 1627 in Plymouth, MA
Margaret (Morrow) Milligan, 3rd great grandmother, was born May 22, 1835 in Ireland
Mary (Kelly) Davis, 9th great grandmother, was born May 24, 1678 in Newbury, MA
Rebecca (Rockwell) Carrier, 6th great grandmother, was born May 24, 1705 in Colchester, CT
Abigail (Sawyer) Annice, 6th great grandmother, was born May 26, 1709 in Newbury, MA

Mary Williams married Daniel Bradley*, 8th great grandparents, May 21, 1662 in Haverhill, MA (see note below)
Sarah (maiden?) and Hugh Gunnison, 9th great grandparents, May 23, 1647 in Boston, MA
Mary Packard married Simeon Alden, 5th great grandparents, May 23, 1763 in Bridgewater, MA
Mary Hutchinson married Thomas Hale, 8th great grandparents, May 26, 1657 at Salem, MA

Margaret (Fields) Milligan, 4th great grandmother, died May 21, 1874 in Boston, MA

* Daniel Bradley and many of his descendants were killed in Haverhill, MA by Indians during a period of time called King Williams's War.  Here is an account from "The History of Concord":

"The ancestors and relatives of Mr. Bradley, in Haverhill, had had a bitter experience of Indian cruelty.  Daniel Bradley was killed there, August 13, 1689.  Isaac Bradley at the age of fifteen, was captured in the fall of 1695.  Daniel Bradley, (son of Daniel,) and Hannah his wife, and two of their children, Mary and Hannah, were killed, March 15, 1697, when Mrs. Dustin was made prisoner; and Joseph, Martha and Sarah Bradley, children of Joseph Bradley, were slain at the same time.  The house of Joseph Bradley, grandfather of Lieutenant Jonathan, was burnt by the Indians, February 8, 1704, and his wife taken prisoner a second time ..."  - Bouton, Nathaniel, The History of Concord, Published by Benning W. Sanborn, 1856, pages 162 - 164.

A more in depth account can be found at "The Bradley Family and the Indians" by Bill Scholtz, April 9, 2010.

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