Saturday, May 12, 2012

Anniversaries - May 13 - May 19

*Updated July 29, 2012 to add women's married name (maiden name in parenthesis)
Hepzibah (Ford) Lyman, 10 great grandmother, was born on May 15, 1625 at Dorchester, ENG.  Hepzibah was briefly mentioned in a prior post as she married Richard Lyman (descended from Alfred the Great).
Thomas Farnum, 5th great grandfather, was born on May 16, 1709 at Andover, MA.
Elizabeth (Annice) Corliss, 5th great grandmother, was born May 18, 1736 at Haverhill, MA.

Hannah Hutchinson married Thomas Farnum, 6th great grandparents, on May 14, 1693 at Andover, MA.
Sarah Chase married Charles Cormac Annice, 8th great grandparents, on May 15, 1666 at Newbury, MA.
Mary Foster married Francis Peabody, 9th great grandparents, on May 18, 1654 at Topsfield, MA.

Robert "Father" Kemp, 2nd great grandfather, died on May 15, 1897 at Boston, MA.  (Robert Kemp will be the subject of a future post.)
William Rockwell, 9th great grandfather, died on May 15, 1640 at Windsor, CT.
Thomas Carrier, 8th great grandfather, died on May 16, 1736 at Colchester, CT.
Renald Fernald, 8th great grandfather, died on May 17, 1656 at Portsmouth, NH.
Margaret (Goodman) Tompkins, 8th great grandmother, died on May 18, 1672 at Salem, MA.
Joseph Towne, 7th great grandfather, died on May 18, 1717 at Topsfield, MA.
Hannah (Hutchinson) Farnum, 6th great grandmother, died on May 19, 1716 at Andover, MA.

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