Friday, June 22, 2012

Mumblings: World War II Update

After my post on my father's WWII years, I thought I should try to contact the families of crew mates who might be doing genealogy research on those crew mates.  Using the "Muster Roll" of the USS YP-420 from the day it was commissioned, I searched and found several people researching and posting information on Donald's crew mates.  I sent them emails and let them know that their relative was on USS YP-420 on July 20, 1942 and that I had a picture of most of the crew (I assumed that their relative might be in the picture).  Two people have responded so far.

Barbara said:
    Thank you so much for the information regarding my uncle Albert
    Anderson's Naval ship service. I did not know any of this. I would be
    most interested in having a copy of the picture of the men on
    YP-420.  Would you be willing to share? What type of ship was the

Linda said:
    Thank you SOOO much for passing on this info. This will be VERY
    interesting to go through! Robert P. did not care to talk about his time
    in service so the family has very little information. My in-laws have
    both passed away but two of their three sons are "alive and kicking".
    My husband, Robert Kirk Dudley, passed away in 2007 due to
    complications from MS. His older brothers, Ric and Steve, will really
    appreciate your info.

    I've looked at the crew picture posted on your blog but I can't tell if
    Robert P. is included. By any chance are there any other pics showing
    the crew?

    Again, thank you for passing this on.

NavSource Online: Service Ship Photo Archive
I also sent NavSource Online (publisher of info on the USS YP-420) the picture of the crew and a copy of the Muster Roll.

Gary from NavSource wrote back:
    Photos, including muster roll, will be in our update on Friday, 22
    June. Thank you for sending the photos and muster roll to NavSource.

I am looking forward to seeing the NavSource update.

Here is another picture from the USS YP-420.

USS YP-420 (the man on the right is probably Lt. E.J. Massello, Commanding Officer on the YP-420)

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