Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fotos - June 10

I attended a Plymouth Digit Photographers Club workshop this week with the theme "The Black and White Image".  The purpose was to teach us "to look for shapes, shadows, contrast and strong images, and to use these to the greatest advantage, which helps in improving our photographic skills in general."  We spent the first hour taking photographs around Plymouth Harbor, then we went to the workshop to learn some ways to use software to process the images as black and white.  

Here are a few of the shots I took (both the original shot and the processed b&w).


  1. I really like the black and white contrast from the picture of the statue, and also the contrast from last boat picture.

    1. I like the statue a lot. I wasn't aware when I shot it, but it gave me a sense of history as the Native Americans watched the Europeans arrive by boat.
