Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friday Fotos (posted on Saturday?)

I was in California last week and did not get the chance to post photos and I am a bit behind this week, so my Friday Fotos are being posted on Saturday. 

We were in California because our daughter Suzie works for Google and Google held its first ever "bring your parents to work day".  Google really did the day up nicely starting things off with a few speakers telling us what it is like for our kids to be working there.  Of course it is wonderful.  Parents got to walk the campus, be entertained, eat in their renowned cafeterias, and attend a cocktail party (things that our Google kids probably do at work every day).

Opening ceremony for google kids and their parents

Google phone booth (remind you of Dr. Who?) and Android Phone

Welcome parents (and granddaughter too)
Other than going to Google and playing with our granddaughter, we took a lot of walks in and around Palo Alto, home to my daughter's family.  The first hike was through a beautiful park nicknamed the Darma iniative by Suzie and Matt.  Very picturesque but there was one particular object that drew our attention.  Is Big Brother is listening to everything we say.

We were able to walk within a few feet of this radio antenna
Interesting tree sculpture
We also walked around the Stanford University campus.  What a beautiful place to go to school!  They have several Rodin sculptures around campus.  This one is named the Burghers of Calais. Information on this sculpture can be found here

Burghers of Calais

Burghers of Calais

Burghers of Calais
We visited a Palo Alto park (restricted to residents of Palo Alto and their guests).  There was a beautiful pond with a picturesque wooden bridge leading to a small island.

Lastly, we walked around downtown Palo Alto.  The first few pictures are of a sculpture made by Mildred Howard called Clear Story.  To read about Mildred and this sculpture click here.  The wood frame of this structure is filled with clear glass bottles.  It was impressive from every angle, inside and out.  The last photo is also from downtown, one of the many beautiful houses in Palo Alto.

1 comment:

  1. I like that Mildred Howard sculpture, and those sculptures from Stanford's campus.
