Sunday, April 22, 2012


I am going to change my "Friday Fotos" posts to just Fotos.  I don't want to be rushed or constricted to publishing on Fridays (and I have had trouble getting photos out on Friday the last couple of weeks).  So, here on Sunday I am posting Fotos.

Before I get to fotos that I took yesterday, I would like to share a web page with photos from World War II.  My cousin Bob sent me a link to a story about one of the most famous and somewhat controversial photos of all time, the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima.  This web page starts with an article about the photographer Joe Rosenthal, the controversy, and then the photos of the flag raising, other Iwo Jima photos, and other WWII photos.  Here is the link to these photos: Joe Rosenthal and Iwo JimaAfter the photos by and about Joe Rosenthal are two links to more WWII photos:  Photos from World War II: The Anniversary of D-Day on the Normandy Beaches, and Photos from World War II: The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters.  Allow yourself plenty of time to view the photos on these sites.  The WWII photos from the Pacific Theater of Operations have special significance to me as my father participated in several of the battles that occurred there.  Thanks Bob for the link!

I don't know if I should be putting my photos on the same post as above, but some of you may be skipping the WWII photos or skipping my photos.  Yesterday, I joined several people from the Plymouth Digital Photographers club to take pictures of Two Bridges Sunrise on the Canal.  Twice a year, spring and fall, the sun rises at such an angle that it appears beneath the Bourne Bridge and the Railroad Bridge on the Cape Cod Canal.  So, hardy souls willing to be at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy at about 5:45 AM get an opportunity to capture dramatic pictures.  That is the theory anyway.  Yesterday's weather did not cooperate, as shortly after my arrival it started misting and then it began to drizzle.   I did not get any pictures of the sun rising beneath the bridges, but I did get a couple of good pictures after which I went to downtown Plymouth and took a few more.  Here are the better fotos.

5:15 AM - Bourne Bridge is barely discernible below RR Bridge

5:30 AM - A little brighter I like the light reflecting off the canal

5:40 AM - Last photo before the mist and drizzle moved in

Mass Maritime Academy building

 5:50 AM - Where is the sun?

I was up and about before the birds at Jenny Mill Pond (near downtown Plymouth)

Jenny Mill

Town Brook

Weather fit for a duck


  1. It's too bad you weren't able to get the photograph of the sun rising beneath the bridge, because I bet that'd be an amazing picture to capture. Regardless, your pictures of the bridge are cool, and I like the dark pictures where you can barely make out the bridge in the background. Also, your pictures from Plymouth center are great as well!

  2. I really like your picture of the Mass Maritime building & the stone bridge!

  3. You are getting to be a really good photographer! I love the night time/dark photos. What a neat skill to have!
