Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fotos - Cranberry Harvest

Kris and I had the opportunity to visit an early season cranberry harvest.  The berries were "early black" cranberries.  The day was beautiful.  Other than the owners and workers, we had the cranberry bog to ourselves. 

Here are some of the pictures we took today.

An Early Black Cranberry

How many cranberries do you see? (answer below)
Machine separating the cranberry from the vine
Close-up of machine

Harvester rounding up the berries
"Wiley" the owners border collie helping to herd the berries
I hop this doesn't end up in my Craisins
The bog owner with Wiley
The harvesting machine separates the vegetation from the berry and then washes the berry

How many berries in the picture?  You didn't really think that I was going to count them, did you?


  1. Those pictures are great!

  2. It's interesting they have all these high tech machines but still use a 'harvester' to round up the berries. Great pics! Although the frog does disturb me. Cranfrog juice?
