Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday Fotos - Web Links to Interesting Photography

     I didn't get a chance to go out and take photos this week, so I thought I would compile a list of web sites that have interesting photos that came to me by emails from friends and family. Some of you may have already seen some of these web sites, but maybe not all of them. Sadly, I never thought of saving the links to these sites, but since I received several in the last couple of weeks, I will provide those links here. Looking at these pictures convinces me that we all should be out there taking pictures because what may seem ordinary to us today may be of historic interest to others in the future. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

     Thank you to those who have sent me the links and if you like these links, keep sending me more links for me and others to enjoy.

Civil War (link from my cousin Bob)

     The Atlantic: "Last year marked the 150th anniversary of the start of the American Civil War, a milestone commemorated by The Atlantic in a special issue (now available online." Photos of the Civil War were published in two parts. Each part shows 48 photos. Here are the links to each part:

     The Civil War, Part 1: The Places

     The Civil War, Part 2: The People

      Commemorative articles The articles in this edition are written by notable authors such as Mark Twain, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, etc.

WWII - Iwo Jima - Rare Color Film (link from my cousin Bob)

     Documentary on Iwo Jima  This is a 9 plus minute film of February 1945 US landing on Iwo Jima.  My father may have been a part of this fight.  He didn't talk much about his service during WWII, but I have a small calendar book of his days in the war.  He briefly mentions Iwo Jima.  I also remember a brief mention of his having something to do with the troop landing craft.  He may have been on a boat that was responsible for refueling these boats.

Retronaut (link from my son James)
     This is a web page that has many themed photos. The photos are also categorized by decade. 

     Victorian Artificial Arm

     Construction of ...

     Through the Lens of ...

Humor (I believe I got this link from my friend Paul).  I guess Paul knows that I have a bent sense of humor.

     Bent Sense of Humor

End of Depression/WWII in the US  (link from Paul) Part of Photo Blogs from the Denver Post

      America in Color 1939 - 1943 

     The 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor (Dec. 2011)

  Photography of Vivian Maier (I learned of this web site through one of the web blogs I follow).
     John Maloof has published a collection of photos (1950s - 1990s) from a previously unknown street photographer Vivian Maier's.  He acquired these photos at an auction.  Read John's story of discovering this photographer's works in the right panel of the above link as it in itself is a fascinating story.  

UPDATE (3/25/2012)
Revere Beach - old post cards from my neighbor Stan:

    Postcards of Old Revere Beach

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